It’s Official

It’s official! The new elementary computers for teachers and students next year will be DELL! Now, I know this may cause some stress for many of you, but there is no need to fear the switch. The Elementary ITRT team is already busily planning trainings and ways we can help make this a smooth transition for all. We will be working on video tutorials, handouts, and face-to-face trainings to help with all the different teacher learning styles.

Some important information:
• Laptops will be delivered to staff the last week of school
• Teachers will retain their current laptop until October – This will allow you some time for transferring files – Start backing up now!

Summer Training‐June‐August
• Leveled
• Face‐to‐face
• Blended online
• Online Resources

We will have more updates, information, and training information in the coming months, but for now, get ready to ride the Dell Train!

About Mr. Ryan Stein

Mr. Ryan Stein is an educator that works with students at the elementary and high school level, as well as conduct workshops for college students and teachers throughout Virginia.
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