Kindergarten Wishes

Screen shot 2014-06-29 at 7.45.16 PMKindergarten students in Ms. Fennell’s class have been working hard all year to get to the point where they are finally ready to write complete sentences. That’s a pretty amazing accomplishment, considering when they started in September they were just learning to identify their ABCs! They had previously written a sentence on paper about their wishes and drawn a picture, so today we were making a digital copy for their portfolios. I was also teaching them some basic word processing skills such as using Shift to make capital letters and using the space bar and punctuation keys. First I gave them a Pages template with the font already set to a large size. They typed their sentences and added their names. Then I showed them how to use Photo Booth to take a picture of their drawings. Ms. Fennell and I helped them drag the photos to their Pages documents. They saved their files, then I combined them together into one document and uploaded them to Flipsnack for publishing. You can take a look at it online here or download the complete PDF here. I love how their wishes are all unique and some are quite moving.

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