Water Cycle Animations

I had so much fun at Pinchbeck Elementary in Mrs. Ferguson’s 3rd grade class. Mrs. Ferguson wanted to do a fun activity, but like every teacher in Virginia, she was concerned about time due to the snow. We decided to have the students make short videos to explain the water cycle. These videos were then be placed on her blog where her students can review. (This way if there is another snow day students and review at home as well.) Check out some of their awesome videos below.

Water Cycle Animation from Jim Covais on Vimeo.

To create these videos was fairly easy, we only used Keynote. The students first started off with a blank slide. They then imported a picture and created a blue circle. (The blue circle represents water.)

The students then duplicated the slide and added another dot.

They duplicated the last slide and then added another blue dot. The students repeated the process until they have filled the surface with blue dots.

These steps are the hardest part of the project. Make sure your students are duplicating the last slide and not just any slide.

Now the students just have to record their voice to the slideshow. Click on File > Record Slideshow. This turns the microphone on and allows you to go through the slideshow. While the students are talking have them press the trackpad button to advance the slideshow.

Now for the last part. You just have to export this presentation as a movie file. Click on File > Export. Make sure you click on the QuickTime tab. Check out the picture below to see what settings you should choose.

When you are done you have completed an animation using Keynote. I know it seems like a lot of steps but the kids love it and it was fairly easy to do. What are some other ways you can use animations in your classroom?

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