Kindergarten Signs of Spring Video

springEvery grade in elementary school learns about seasonal changes and the weather (SOL K.10, 1.7, 2.7, 3.8, 4.8, 5.7) so I have been working with a small group of kindergarten students at Laburnum Elementary to create an informational video announcing the start of spring that would be played on the school-wide morning announcements. Nathaniel, Jaziah, Karen, and Taliyah have been excited about this project since we started it last month. First we met together to discuss the signs of spring and they selected which ones they wanted to do. They came up with four main signs of spring: the weather gets warmer, animals have their babies, flowers start to bloom, and gardens begin to grow. Next they read books and watched videos about the spring to get ideas and background knowledge to share in their video. On some of our project days it was too cold to film outside (and very un-spring-like) so they decided to include some of their artwork in the video. They used Pixie to draw pictures, illustrating their special sign of spring. Finally, today it was warm enough to film, so we explored the grounds of the school looking for signs of spring and filmed at the sites we found. They improvised their lines in the video (there was no written script since we weren’t sure what we’d find, but we had made some predictions). The finished film will be presented on the morning announcements to the entire school and submitted to our county’s H21 website. You can watch it here!

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