Cause and Effect

Need a FUN and ENGAGING lesson to help support the reading skill Cause and Effect? Today we had a fun time in 4th grade talking about and playing around with Cause and Effect. First, we walked through the Google Presentation below that has a cute Cause and Effect music video embedded (the kids sang the song throughout the rest of the lesson!). Once we came to the Cause and Effect scenarios, students logged into a Today’s Meet chat room and provided possible “causes” or “effects” depending on what the slide was asking. Some scenarios were HYSTERICAL. We did have to stop and talk about how to make educational predictions. They came up with more “normal” scenarios when I told them to try and guess what their teacher was thinking. Here is a snapshot of my screen using the Google Presentation and Today’s Meet in the Split Screen application:

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Click the image below if you would like to use this Google Presentation.

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After our Today’s Meet discussion, students pulled up {THIS} Pixie template that I dropped into student folders. I then passed out either a cause or an effect scenario to each student. Click {HERE} for the scenario slips. Students typed in the sentence they were assigned and had to come up with the other side on their own. Afterwards they illustrated their sentences using the Pixie tools. Check out their work:

Let me know if you would like to do this lesson in your classroom :)

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