4th Grade Equivalent Fractions

EquivFourth graders in Ms. Thomas’s class at Varina Elementary have been learning about equivalent fractions (SOL4.2b). Today I showed them how to make equivalent fraction videos using Pixie. First they created a picture of themselves using the built-in camera and the paint tool. Next they used the fractions clip art to show a whole and a fraction of that whole. Then they used the text box tool to type the fraction and its equivalent, and they recorded a voiceover explaining how the fractions were equal. I showed them how to go to File > Duplicate Picture and create a few more pictures with voiceovers showing various fractions of the same whole. Finally they exported their pictures as one video by clicking Share > Video > Create. You can take a look at a couple of student examples: Kendall showing fractions of a pizza and Krystal showing fractions of an orange.

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