Third graders in Ms. Leo’s class at Varina Elementary have been learning about drawing conclusions when they read. So today they created comics that told an ambiguous story and their friends had to draw conclusions about what they think happened. We practiced the skill first with some sample picture stories. I did a quick image search of a girl with some presents and then I showed a picture of the girl crying. They drew the conclusion that the girl didn’t get what she wanted. Then I showed a picture of a dog chasing a cat followed by a picture of a sad dog, and they drew the conclusion that the dog didn’t get the cat. Once they got the idea, they opened up a blank Comic Life and added a title “Conclusions”. Then they dragged over four panels. I instructed them to do a Google image search for pictures that would tell an ambiguous story, similar to the examples I modeled for them. They dragged the pictures into the top two panels. They put a picture of themselves in the third panel and added a speech bubble saying something like, “Can you guess what happened?” Then they switched with a partner and their partner added their picture and wrote their conclusion in the speech bubble. I combined all their comics together and saved it as a PDF. Then I uploaded it to FlipSnack where you can read it online here.