Facebook Fun at Adams Elementary

I was very lucky to co teach with Mrs. Noble-Wilkins today at Adams Elementary. Her students have been researching African Americans that made a difference in our country, both past and present. The class put their weeks of research into a poster to display in the hallway. Mrs. Noble-Wilkins and I decided to take it a step further.

After our planning meeting we decided to put a social media spin on their projects. The students made Facebook pages for the person they were researching. We didn’t make actual Facebook pages, however we used a template that I made in Pages. The students had a blast making status updates as their African American that made a difference. I was very impressed by creativity the students showed. My favorite status update “About to escape from my master TTYL!”

From Blog Pics

Want to try this lesson out? Check out the example I showed the students, and download the template to get started.

Click here for the template.

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