Bad Math Photos

I ran across a great blog post from Richard Byrne about using photos from the Bad Maths Flickr Group Page. The group defines itself as “a place to store all those images of crazy special offers and examples of things that just don’t add up. The aim is to be able to use these in math lessons.”

Using these images would be a great way to get conversations and critical thinking skills going in the classroom. Why are these pictures showing bad math? Would this be a deal that you would want to take? Why or why not? It is a great way to bring math to life, and show your students real life examples of why math is important. **Note, many of the pictures use the sign for “pounds” instead of “dollars,” so you might have to have the conversation about these signs.** Here are a couple pictures I ran across that I thought were intriguing:

penny.patterson on Flickr

curlywick_cavies on Flickr

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