Add this to YOUR Blog #Blog Post Idea

Want to add a post to your blog this week????

1 – Log into your blog
2 – Click “Add new post”
3 – Copy this question and get the embed code from the video below…

What does Valentine’s Day mean to you? What do you like and dislike about Valentine’s Day? Does your family do anything special on February 14? How do you make your family feel on Valentine’s Day? Give me your thoughts and feelings about this special day.

Please write 3-5 complete sentences? You must post your answer before 8:00 AM, Friday, February 14. We will share our responses during Valentine’s Day!!!!

Kids React to Valentine’s Day from Ryan Stein on Vimeo.

4 – Click “Allow Comments” which should be on the bottom of your post. If it’s not there, select “Screen Options” on the top of your screen and select “Allow Comments”
5 – Once all that is done, click Publish and ENJOY!!!

*** I would also suggest typing the first name of all your students as a post so parents can use them for Valentine’s Day cards. ***

About Mr. Ryan Stein

Mr. Ryan Stein is an educator that works with students at the elementary and high school level, as well as conduct workshops for college students and teachers throughout Virginia.
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