Ms. Wells at Varina Elementary has been teaching her third grade class about synonyms and antonyms. So today I showed them how to use Prezi to make a cool interactive presentation about the words they have been studying. First we logged into our Prezi account and I told them to pick a word and think of synonyms and antonyms for that word. We discussed what resource would help us if we couldn’t think of many words, and most of the students knew that a thesaurus would be helpful. A good site to use is Once they selected their word, we picked a theme in Prezi and typed some synonyms for that word in the first slide. I also showed them how to add a picture from the built in clip art or with a Google image search. On the next slide they typed antonyms for their word and added a picture. For the last slide, I showed the students that they could upload their own picture from Photo Booth. Finally we published our Prezi presentations and I posted all the links to a Google Doc that you can see here. Take a look at a couple of student examples: Kahmauri (synonyms and antonyms for “big”) and Jonathan (synonyms and antonyms for “fast”).