Kindergarten students in Ms. Miller’s class at Holladay Elementary have been learning how to calculate 1 more and 1 less (SOLK.4b), so today I showed them how to demonstrate their math skills by using Comic Life. I gave them a 4 square template that you can download by clicking here. First we changed the title to say “More Less” to practice typing those words. Then I showed them how to use the “Capture” button to turn on the built-in camera. For the first square, they took pictures of themselves and wrote their names in the speech bubble. Next I told them to collect a certain number (less than 10) of an object. Some got 8 crayons, others got 5 pairs of scissors, and some got 7 erasers. It was their choice. Once they gathered the objects they took a picture of them for the second panel of the comic and wrote the number in the speech bubble. Finally they figured out how to show 1 more and 1 less of their original number, took those pictures, and completed the speech bubbles with the new number. For example, if they started with 6 paint brushes, they took a photo of 5 and wrote “1 less is 5.” Take a look at a few student samples: Zoey, William, and Stephanie.