1st Grade Goods & Services Comic

Screen shot 2014-03-17 at 11.29.06 PMFirst graders in Ms. Gerrard’s class at Davis Elementary have been learning about goods & services (SOL1.7) so today we reviewed those concepts with Comic Life. I wanted them to understand that people can provide goods as well as services. So all the pictures I gave them are of people: farmers, builders, cooks, doctors, firemen, and teachers. You can download the folder of pictures here. I also gave them a Comic Life template that you can download by clicking here. We discussed what kinds of goods and services each job provides. You could use this site to help review those ideas. There are four panels on the template, so I instructed them to add two people who provide goods and two people who provide services. Then I taught them how to type a simple sentence in each speech bubble: “I make a good,” or “I do a service.” Next we added a new page and showed them how to take their picture with the built-in camera and how to type their name with the special lettering. We also added a speech bubble for them to type in what kind of job they wanted to do and whether it provided a good or a service, but we ran out of time. You can take a look at a couple of student examples: Connor and Nardeen.

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