Kindergarten Needs & Wants Comic

Screen shot 2014-03-17 at 7.24.37 PMKindergarten students in Ms. Fennell’s class at Laburnum Elementary have been learning about needs and wants (SOLK.7) so today I taught them how to make a needs and wants comic using the program, Comic Life. They started out with a template that you can download by clicking here and a folder of pictures that you can download by clicking here. On the first page it says “I have needs and wants.” I showed the students how to take their photo using the built-in camera and type their name in the speech bubble. The next page says “Needs” and has four boxes. I taught them how to use the Finder button in Comic Life to find the folder of pictures I gave them. They had to look at the pictures, identify four examples of needs, and drag them into the boxes. Most of the students did a great job identifying food, clothing, water, and shelter as needs. But pizza presented a bit of a dilemma. Was it a need (food) or a want? I let them think about that, then we went to the last page, titled “Wants.” They had to drag in four pictures of wants. Finally, I showed them how to change the style of the pictures and text using the Style button in Comic Life. You can see some student examples of this project here: Josiah, Markiya, and Alejandro.

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