Reasons NOT to Backup Your Files….

We’re back from winter break and I know what you’re all thinking right now, “I should backup my files.”


Let me give you the reasons on why you shouldn’t backup your files.

1. It could take upwards to 10, maybe even 12 minutes to backup your files. I don’t know about you all, but who has 16.66% of an hour to waste on a backup?

2. I became a teacher because I like to live life on the edge. I love the thrill and exhilaration of when I turn on my computer, I may or may not have everything that I worked on for my whole career.

3. If my computer crashes I won’t be able to have fear and anxiety that I will never see my files again.

4. Have you seen the size of flash drives? They’re about the size of bar eraser. I can’t carry that around with me. Who am I? The Hulk?!?!


If you haven’t gotten the point by now you really should backup your files. It takes no time to make sure all of your work is safe. Plug in a flash drive and backup your files. You’ll be done before you finish that game of Candy Crush.

Do you need help backing up your files? Send me an email or schedule an appointment with me.

I hope you all had a restful break! Happy 2014!

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