Collaborative Jeopardy Game Using Google Presentation

Yesterday was a FUN day in 5th grade! We used Google Presentation to create a Jeopardy Game together as a class. Each student was assigned two specific slides in which they had to come up with a question for one slide AND a correct answer for the other. Afterwards, we split the class into three groups and played our game. You could use this activity with any content. Click {HERE} to take you to the Jeopardy template. This is a view only template so you will need to make a copy (Go to File and Make a Copy). Rename your presentation and be sure to change the “Access” (after you press the blue SHARE button) to “anyone can edit”. Afterwards, drop the presentation’s address into your class drive. All students can go to the same place to open the Google Presentation. #1-5 should be assigned to the first column (category), #6-10 should be assigned to the second column(category), etc.. HAVE FUN!

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