Padlet Activities

The more and more I look into the program and its ease of use, the more I want teachers to be taking advantage of it! Making an account is quick and easy. After making your account, all your pads you make, you can go back to see, edit, and use all your old boards as well. In my last post I suggested some ways you could use this program, but I figure I should do this app some justice and give it its own post with more ideas:

Vocabulary Word of the Day: Have students use vocabulary words in sentences.
– Have students import pictures to define/give an example of a vocabulary word
– Ticket out the door, list one idea you learned about today
– Open ended question page for students to post questions to you
– Use it as a KWL Chart
– Post Screenshots of student work to share
– Have student do a quick book review
– Post a video for students to watch and post a response
– Have students post word problems for others to solve
– Use during class discussion to have all students participating and to check for understanding
– Sentence starters – Put the starter in the title of the Wall; students finish
– Collaborative story writing – students take it in turns to add the next sticky to the story
– Paragraph or sentence reconstruction – students put the sentences of a paragraph or words of a sentence back in the correct order
– Matching – students match vocabulary items with definitions, pictures
– Word Choice – post several “bland” words and have students list synonyms that would be more interesting or descriptive
– Students move stickies around in ranking, ordering, matching, timeline… activities

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