4th Grade Cloud Comics

cloudcomicFourth graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about the different types of clouds and how clouds can help predict the weather (SOL4.6). So today they created comics about the clouds using Comic Life. I showed them how to add a title and change the style, then they added five panels. They picked four clouds and searched for pictures of them online. They added the pictures to their comic and changed their styles so that they looked more like comics instead of photos. Next students labeled the cloud types and added speech bubbles to the clouds explaining what they looked like and what type of weather they foreshadowed. Students added a photo of themselves to their last slide and made a speech bubble saying something about the clouds and weather. The teacher printed them and hung them in the hallway so students could review the clouds while admiring each others’ work. That’s one of the advantages of students creating their own study guides because they are more motivated to look at them!

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