We are fortunate to have so many innovative tools to use with our students! I have even heard some teachers exclaim, “I couldn’t teach if they took away my board!” As we learn to leverage these innovative and powerful tools, we see their potential for greatly impacting student learning.
Please take the time to turn off your projector when you are not using it. The bulb in your projector is VERY expensive. It also has a limited number of hours to burn. The projector cannot tell if you are working through a flipchart or projecting blue, it just counts the hours. Last year, some teachers were faced with the reality of not being able to use their boards because the bulb had burned out and there was no funding to replace bulbs. Please don’t let this be your fate.
Consider assigning 2 students to be “Projector Captains”, train them to turn off the projector and show them the location of the remote. It will then be their jobs to make sure the projector is off every time the class leaves the room.