First (SOL1.7) and third (SOL3.4) grades are both learning about migration at this time since it’s the fall. So I’ve been doing research projects with both grades and we’ve been using Pixie to present our findings. First students selected an animal that migrates (monarch butterfly, wildebeest, caribou, whale, salmon, etc), then they went to PebbleGo to research their animal. PebbleGo is a great site for elementary research because it’s easy to navigate, it uses simple vocabulary, it has lots of pictures and videos, and it can even read the text to the students. I wanted the students to also see how far the animals traveled on a map, so I created a Migration Google Map, where the students could click on a line and see a picture of the animal and read about its migration route. After the research part was finished, students opened a Pixie, added a sticker of the world map and a sticker of their animal, and then drew a line to show the animal’s migration path. Next they recorded their voices telling about the amazing journeys their animals make. Third grade was also able to animate their animals so they moved north to south. Check out a third grade student example here. You can download a Pixie template for this lesson by clicking here.