Blog Post Idea

Teachers… I would recommend posting directions of how to post a comment for your students. Feel free to copy and paste my directions.

1. Read the blog question. Some blog post throughout the year will include pictures and videos! Take your time when reading the question!
2. When you’re ready to respond, scroll down and select “Leave a Comment.”
3. For the section “Name,” ONLY put your first name. You will lose points if you put your last name.
4. For “email” you will use a made up email address. DO NOT PUT A PERSONAL E-MAIL ADDRESSES. This is a violation of our class blogging rules.
* Your made up email address will be…
-teacher’s last name
– your classroom number

For example,

5. Finally, type comment using complete sentences with correct punctuation.
6. After you have checked your work, hit “post comment.”

* The teacher will approve all comments before they are posted on our class blog. *

About Mr. Ryan Stein

Mr. Ryan Stein is an educator that works with students at the elementary and high school level, as well as conduct workshops for college students and teachers throughout Virginia.
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