Animation Funkification

Screen shot 2013-11-22 at 1.39.41 PMToday the Elementary ITRTs (technology trainers) hosted a technology conference at Twin Hickory Elementary. Alfonso and I presented a session called “Animation Funkification” where we talked about ways to funkify your classroom with animations. And by “funky” we mean that fun is key to learning. We wore our waders because so often as teachers we get bogged down by all the tedious tasks we are required to do that we lose sight of what we really want to do, which is make learning fun for kids! Animation is not only fun, but it’s a powerful way to help children visualize and understand concepts. After animated Alfonso and David introduced the REAL Alfonso and David in this meta-animation, we shared some cool sites for making animations like ABCYa! Animate and Flipbook Maker as well as several examples of student-created projects. You can see them all on our website. We finished our session by letting the teachers make their own animations.

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