5th Grade Happenings

Public Speaking:

Deb Gribben’s class are practicing their public speaking skills.  This lesson hits all 4 strands of the TIPC for H21.

For a unit on public speaking with the theme of Greek mythology, students first researched the 14 major Gods and Goddesses. For research, they used online sources, at least one book or encyclopedia, and one magazine article provided by the teacher. Students then randomly chose a God or Goddess to represent and a God or Goddess to present an award to. Each student then used children’s engineering techniques to create a 3-dimensional award that could be presented publicly to the recipient at what we called the Temple of Charity’s Greek Grammy Awards.  CLICK HERE for more information.

Mrs. Gribben’s class researched Egypt and planned a presentation for second graders to learn more about Egypt. Students researched and cited their sources on a digital form. Students were given options to create a 3D model, poster, etc. Students all created a poster board presentation in which they will use to present when the second graders came into classroom, which was decorated like Egypt, and as the younger students came to their presentation they stamped a passport. Everyone had fun and learned a lot. Take a look at the video.

Egypt lesson from REES on Vimeo.

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