

Students start with a fantastic picture book that will build intrigue and lend itself to some fun artistic expression. Then move to self-directed, collaborative research, authentic, hands on scientific investigation, and finally, an independently developed report from various teams of “experts” as we learn all there is to know about the causes and effects of a tsunami, as well as a bit of history. This lesson incorporates 5th grade science units on Oceans (5.6) and Rocks (5.7).

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Students construct “What about____?” questions to inform research, using One Search, Pebble Go, or Duck Duck Go. Then organize the information to create the Tsunami News Station.

Students establish roles and create scripts within their groups. They choose between digital camera and Photobooth for recording the event and carry out recording independently. They should also make decisions about lighting, shooting angles, etc. – anything that comes up during shooting should be discussed and decided on by students –mediate as needed. Projects posted on blog to share with other classes.

Students will develop and answer open-ended questions about the aftermath of a tsunami. Students will collaborate (both within their group and with the whole class) to improve their public speaking about, and presentation of, their topic.

Students collaborate to create groups, scripts and presentations. They create their own experiment that best simulates a tsunami.

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