Moving the Capital


Students will be presented with the following problem: “The current site of Jamestown is no longer a good location as the capital of the Virginia colony.” Students will research information to find a better location for the capital. Once they have found a new site, they will work in groups to write a persuasive letter to Captain John Smith including the reasons for their decision. They will also create an artifact using Pixie, Photo Booth, or Comic Life to creatively present their reasons to John Smith.

TIPC Ratings

Students are given an authentic problem to solve. They will construct questions to guide their own research using search engines, databases, and teacher-provided websites. The teacher guides student investigation and supports students as they acquire, evaluate, and apply information.

Students will work in groups of 3-4 to collaborate in addressing the authentic task. Together students will communicate their reasearch findings and apply them to the essential questions, Students will also determine the tools necessary to complete their project. The teacher models communication methods and teaches students how to collaborate purposefully with one another.

Students work with their group to generate and respond to purposful questions regarding the meaningful problem they are presented with. They will have to justify their decision about where to move the capital with supporting evidence.

Students will create meaningful, original work within the assignment parameters when writing their persuasive letter and through their Pixie, Photo Booth, or Comic Life project. While students are given specific programs to use to express their creativity, they are able to choose the one they think would work best in presenting their ideas found in their research.

Student Artifact


Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Recording Sheet
  • Letter Sample
  • Websites for Researching
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