The fourth graders at Chamberlayne Elementary have been learning all about animals and their ecosystems (SOL 4.5). They have also been individually researching an animal of their choice. So today they shared their information in a variety of ways. Students in two classes made interactive images of their animals using Thinglink. Thinglink allows students to put hotspots on different parts of a picture so when visitors scroll over the hotspots, a fact pops up. It was perfect for pointing out the various physical adaptations that help their animals survive. Take a look at a few student samples: Giraffe, Frog, and Dolphin. Other students wanted to create talking pictures with Blabberize. This was a little more difficult to do because they had to record an mp3 first (you can record one using Vocaroo or RecordMP3). Then they had to upload the mp3 file to Blabberize along with a picture. But the videos turned out great! Here are a couple of student samples: Peacock and Wild Boar. Still other students wanted to create Pixie pictures of their animals with recorded voiceovers. These projects provided an excellent way to review since the students were eager to share their work with their classmates and families. I put all the links onto a Google Doc that you can see here. UPDATE: Ms. Waggoner’s class continued this project and created webpages with Instablogg, embedding their videos and pictures into their sites. I posted the links here.