Kindergarteners at Holladay Elementary have been learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. since his birthday is this month (SOL K.1b). Today we created a timeline of his life using Dipity. Dipity makes it easy to create a cool, interactive timeline (you can see ours embedded below). First I took them to my Martin Luther King, Jr. site to hear his speech and see a sample timeline. Then I gave them each an event in his life to illustrate using Pixie. You can download the folder of events by clicking here. I also showed them various photos of each event so they could get some ideas for their drawings. You can download the folder of pictures by clicking here. After the students drew the pictures, I showed them how to export them as a JPEG file so we could upload them to Dipity. Once they were uploaded, Dipity does some cool things with the information. You can view it as a timeline, of course, but you can also view it as a flipbook, a list, and even a map showing where the events took place! You can access those different views by clicking the links at the top left of the timeline. You can see our timeline here, or embedded below.