Third graders at Laburnum Elementary have been doing a lot of writing using Pages (the word processing program on the Macs), so they wanted to try something new and different. I thought that blogging would be perfect for them! We used Instablogg because it doesn’t require a login, it gives a link for them to go back and edit, and it also allows comments. Since this past weekend was the Inauguration of President Obama in Washington DC, I gave that as a possible topic. It’s a good idea to give choices though, so if they didn’t want to write about that, they could write about their weekends. First we talked about good writing habits. We discussed how to keep their ideas organized and flowing smoothly. We also discussed using sentence variety and descriptive words to keep things interesting. I pointed out the importance of correct spelling and grammar since this would be published online and anyone could read it (even President Obama)! Once they finished typing, I showed them how to search for a good picture online. I also showed them how to change the size when they embed it into the blog. I posted all their links to a Google Doc that you can see here.