Blood on the River Google Earth Lit Trip

The students in Mrs. Moore’s 4th grade class at Springfield Park read Blood on the River during their study of Jamestown.  As the students read, they filled out a Google Form with the description and setting of important events in the story.

After reading the novel and filling out the Google Form for each important stop in the story, the students created were ready to begin a Google Lit Trip.  They illustrated the scenes from each important location in the novel.  They took a picture of their illustration and uploaded it to  Here is their album on comemories:

Next the student were ready to create the events in their Google Earth trip.  The students added a placemark for each location with a title, description, and illustration for each stop on the journey to Jamestown.

Finally, the students were ready to record their tour.  This is where we ran into some problems.  On the MacBook, the audio for the Google Tours stops at exactly 2 minutes.  Most of the students were taking 3-3.5 minutes to explain the tour.  The work around was to use the screen recorder in QuickTime Player.  The students clicked on screen recorder and then selected the internal microphone.  The students worked with their partner to re-record their voice narrating the trip as the Google Earth tour played.  The finished videos were posted to vimeo and placed on the class blog.  Check out this great example!

Blood on the River- Ravi & Lily from Karen Hues on Vimeo.

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