I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream! – 4678


Students will research and learn about the freezing point of liquids. In addition, students will investigate matter changing state while making a tasty treat. This lesson also gives students a real world look into the ice cream business. To acomplish this goal students will rotate through the following four stations: research, data collection, reflection, and reporting. Students will utilize technology and probe-ware to aide in their experiment as well as blog with a local ice cream expert.

TIPC Ratings

The teacher is supportative but not directly instructing. The four stations were designed to be student directed. The students constructed questions to interview a local ice cream store owner, chose the best information source to research, and assembled and organized information to adress an authentic task.

Students are able to blog and meet with in person, the owner of a local ice cream restaurant to further their knowledge of the ice cream making process, freezing temperatures and economics.

Students generated higher level thinking questions to communicate with the owner of a local ice cream store. They will mostly communicate with him through the blog and tie their research and real time data collection to judge their understanding of the questions and make appropriate responses through the blog. He has offered to come in at the conclusion of our project to further communicate and expand upon their knowledge gained from this activity. In addition to this the teacher will post some reflection questions on the blog to help with evaluation and further communication.

Students are able to research various sources, gather real time data, blog with a local ice cream expert and put all their findings into a fun and creative presentation.

Student Artifact

Ice Cream from Sarah Schmoyer on Vimeo.

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