2nd Grade Indian Animations

Picture 2Second graders in Ms. Marable’s class at Laburnum Elementary made animations about the different Indian tribes using Keynote today. First each student selected a tribe: Lakota, Powhatan, or Lakota. Then they opened up Keynote and did a Google image search for a picture of the region occupied by their tribe. I showed them how to drag the image into Keynote and resize it so it took up the whole background. Next they opened Pixie and drew a picture of an Indian from their tribe, a typical home, and an animal from that region. They exported their pictures as PNG files with a transparent background, and I helped them cut the pictures apart so they were separate. They dragged their pictures to the Keynote and added animations using the Build Inspector. Finally they recorded a narration explaining how their American Indian tribe lived. I exported those as QuickTime videos. You can see a few student examples here: Powhatan, Pueblo, Lakota.

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