Collect Data with Form Plugins

Blog administrators can create powerful data collection tools using forms plugins, such as Gravity forms and cForms. If you would like assistance implementing blog forms, contact your schools ITRT.

 To create your own cForm:

  1. Download directions or:
  2. From the Dashboard, Select Plugins
  3. Select Activate, under cForms.
  4. Select cForms, using the right hand navigation bar.
  5. Under cForms select Help!
  6. Use the directions outlined to craft your form.
  7. To enable email notifications for new form entries:
    1. Under the cForms section of the right hand navigation bar, select Global Settings.
    2. Select Mail Server Settings
    3. Check the box to Enable external SMTP server.
    4. Enter mail.henrico as the SMTP server address.
    5. Enter 587 for the port.

To create your own Gravity Form:

  1. Download directions or:
  2. From the Dashboard, select Plugins
  3. Select Activate, under Gravity Forms.
  4. Select Forms, using the right hand navigation bar.
  5. Under Forms, select Help!
  6. Use the directions outlined to craft your form, or use this direct link.
  7. To enable email notifications for new form entries:
    1. Select Mail Server Settings
    2. Check the box to Enable external SMTP server.
    3. Enter mail.henrico as the SMTP server address.
    4. Enter 587 for the port.
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