2nd Grade Change Over Time Comic

Today 2nd graders at Chamberlayne Elementary made comics about how communities change over time (SOL 2.3). They created this comic from scratch using Comic Life, so there’s no template to download, but you can download the folder of pictures we used by clicking here. It has over 75 photos of cars, houses, and tools from the past and present. First the students set up their comics with six panels. Then they searched for pictures that showed what life was like in the past. They dragged those photos into their comic and looked for corresponding pictures from present day life to put in the opposite panel. They also added a famous American from the past and a photo of themselves in the present. I showed them how they could change the style of the photos to look more “comic-like.” Finally they added labels and speech bubbles to explain how things have changed. You can see a student sample by clicking on the photo.

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