3rd Grade “Guess Who” Game

Today third graders at Laburnum Elementary created their own class “Guess Who” game to learn more about each other. First I gave them a Pages template that you can download by clicking here. It includes some bookmarks and links so that viewers can click and see the answer. Once students opened the template, they added a title using the Styles button. Next they typed four our five sentences about themselves. They could write about their family members, friends, pets, favorite foods, sports, etc. Then they took their picture using Photo Booth and uploaded it to a cool site called PicMonkey. PicMonkey is great because you can add cool effects to photos for free without having to register. We picked the Pixelate filter to make the picture extremely difficult to identify. I helped them take a screenshot of their pixellated photo and add it to the document. Then we added their real photo to the bottom of the document with their names. So when viewers tried to guess who it was based on the written clues and the scrambled picture, they could click on a link to reveal the true identity of the student. You can see how it works with this sample, and if you’d like to see them all, I converted them into an online flipbook that you can view here.

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