It’s the start of a new school year, and each year I need to find a new way for teachers to sign up for lessons with me. Usually what happens is the site I was using for free goes over to a pay format. This happened with Acuity and Genbook. Last year I used Check Appointments but that got blocked by our firewall this year for some reason. So I searched again for a new one, and I’m sharing what I found with you because you might like to set up an online sign up sheet for parent conferences. I use YouCanBookMe for teachers to sign up to use the COWs (Computers On Wheels). It works great and integrates perfectly with Google calendar (you can see an example here). You might like to try it for parent conferences, but I can’t use it for my lessons since it uses set time slots. I need flexible time slots so teachers can sign up for 30-, 45-, or 60-minute lessons. I thought I found a solution with TungleMe, which also works well with Google Calendar, but that was a bit too complicated. I finally settled on SetMore. It’s simple, it allows for flexible scheduling, and it’s free. The only downside is it doesn’t integrate with Google Calendar. But I like it. So to sign up for lessons with me, please use this link or you can just go to my homepage and click the “book now” button. Thanks, and I am looking forward to another great year of working with you and your students!
New Sign Ups This Year
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