A Century Later

An amazing woman was born 100 years ago….  My grandmother, Sara Schmoyer.  She began her teaching career in 1937.  She taught 1st grade and later taught 2nd grade until she was no longer allowed to teach since she wanted to get married.  This was during the depression and married couples were not allowed to have dual incomes.  She had 40 second graders and taught them the curriculum as well as music and art.  They had to learn the musical notes and famous paintings!  Instead of teaching in a rural area and having to collect her own firewood to heat her classroom, she taught in a more urban area.  Can you imagine having to collect your own firewood to heat your classroom of 40 students??

A few years ago she gave me her set of teaching manuals (Copyright 1927)  and it is very interesting to flip through and see the kinds of things she was taught to teach to her students (i.e. farm cultivation).  She asks me about the kinds of things that the students are doing today in schools.  I showed her the iPad and she tried out some of the apps despite her failure to see very well (I made the font as big as I could).  She doesn’t quite understand the Internet or Promethean Boards but I do my best to explain them to her.  It would be so amazing for her to actually see one of today’s classrooms in session.  Students using the Promethean board, iPads, computers, researching online, etc.   What would she say?  How do you think her classroom was different than the classrooms today?  How were they the same?  What about the student behaviors and parent and community involvement?

To celebrate her birthday, her great-granddaughters created their own songs for her using Garageband and cards in Pixie instead of giving her regular paper cards this year because her eyesight is getting progressively worse.  (I didn’t help them much)

I look up to my grandmother in so many ways, but above and beyond for her dedication to children.  Happy 100th Birthday to an amazing teacher, role model, and friend.


The birthday party was a huge success.  She was surrounded by lots of family and friends and loved using the iPad with her great-granddaughters!!


Her legacy will continue as we continue to educate children.
In Memory of Sara M. Schmoyer 1911-2012

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