Sometimes the students really surprise me with how much they can accomplish during an hour’s lesson! Today Ms. Ambrose’s second graders at Holladay Elementary did an impressive job with the multi-step task that we gave them! We wanted to create a review for time and money, which were two skills they needed additional practice with. But instead of creating the review ourselves, we let the students create it. First they had to decide if they wanted to make a money problem or a time problem. Then they opened Pixie and created their problem using the stickers. We exported their pictures and uploaded them to a cool photo sharing site called CoMemories. I like it for elementary students because there’s no login. They just drag their picture right onto the website. We needed the pictures to be online so we could embed them on a CheckThis webpage. You can see their gallery of pictures here. The students clicked on their picture and copied the URL. Then they pasted the link into their CheckThis webpage and wrote a poll question about the picture for their classmates to answer. I put all their URLs onto a GoogleDoc that you can see here. Now they have a great way to review time and money, using questions they created!