4th Grade Student-Created Review Questions

Teachers are always looking for fun, fresh ways to review information with their students. Why not have your students create their own review questions online so that they can review at home? Plus, there’s the built-in motivation of wanting to show off their hard work to each other. That’s what we did today in Ms. Basham’s 4th grade class at Johnson Elementary. We discussed how to create good questions and answer choices (like on a test). We practiced using the ActiVotes (clickers) with some sample online multiple choice answers (students had to make up the questions). You can generate a large number of questions when you only display the answer choices like this, and you get instant feedback from the clickers. If you would like a brief tutorial on using the ActiVotes click here. Once the students understood how to create good questions, I showed them how to make a webpage using CheckThis. They added a title, a picture, and a poll question (so students would have to vote on the answers). I gathered all the URLs into a GoogleDoc so they could visit each others’ websites at home for additional review. The teacher can also use the websites for more ActiVote questions and even share them with her team!

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