4th Grade Fractions Flipcharts

Many classrooms in Henrico County have Promethean Boards now, and teachers have been busy creating their own flipcharts as well as downloading some from Promethean Planet. But did you know your students can create their own flipcharts for each other to use? Once they learn how to do it, there’s no stopping them! The software for creating them, ActivInspire, can be found in the Applications folder on all student laptops. Today in fourth grade at Laburnum Elementary we created Fractions Flipcharts. I showed them how to make a container so that users could drag fractions out of a box and then decide whether to add or subtract them. I also showed them how to add tools to the flipchart so that users could click on the arrow or the drawing tool as they needed them. Finally, we recorded the answer so that when users click the audio button they would hear the correct answer. You can download a sample student flipchart by clicking here.

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