Third graders at Holladay Elementary have been researching animals for a couple of weeks and today they created Keynotes to present their findings. They chose the animal they wanted to research and were instructed to find information about its adaptations (SOL3.4), food chains (SOL3.5), and habitats (SOL3.6). They could also include any interesting facts that they discovered. When I arrived, they had all their research complete and ready, so I gave them a Keynote template to get them started. You can download it by clicking here. Students added facts and pictures to each slide. I also showed them how to add special effects like transitions and animations. If we had more time we would have recorded a voiceover (if you do this with your class, you might want to try that since it is a great way to develop oral presentation skills). You can see a couple of student samples here: Ashley – Grey Wolf and Stephanie – Horned Lizard.