Bully Free is the Way to Be!

Submitted by: Mary Barnett, Emily Byrd, Kathi Charlson, Keri Richardson
Collaborators: Caroline Jonic, Celeste Young
School: Ridge ES


To address the current real-world social concern of bullying in our schools, monthly classroom meetings were held to address issues on this topic. High-level interest concerning this topic led third grade teachers to plan a student-directed project. They had an initial “kick-off” with the School Resource Officer’s Anti-bullying presentation. Over the next two weeks the third graders collaborated, interacted and created a skit, digital posters, a music video, and Google presentations to campaign against bullying. To share the projects more globally, the Pixie projects and Google presentations were uploaded onto blogs and Voice Thread.

TIPC Ratings

This project scores in the Target area for Information Fluency. Through initial teacher-directed discussions, whole-group research was done using websites and discussions. Students used ideas gathered through those discussions, along with information learned during the lesson with the school resource officer as the substance of their campaign. They chose a variety of digital tools in order to spread the information.

This project scores in the Target area because students communicated through group discussions and online through Google Docs, blogs and Voice Thread which took communication beyond the classroom.

This project is Target in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Students used critical thinking and problem solving skills to share the information that they researched. This was an open-ended, authentic task that required higher level thinking skills and decision making practices. The students also had the opportunity to reflect on the project and how they solved the problems that they encountered.

This project is Target in Creativity and Innovation. Students created Google Presentations by collaborating with a student in another classroom using the information that they researched. The students also chose to use Pixie to create posters to showcase the information going beyond the original assignment parameters. Students also discovered a more creative way to showcase their posters by using Garageband and iMovie to create a music video.

Student Artifact

Untitled from Kathi Smith on Vimeo.

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