Rock Classification

Submitted by: Eric Hilton
School: Trevvett ES


This lesson will challenge students and allow them the freedom to choose which technology piece they would like to use. It also encourages cooperative group work by having students decide which rock they have and whether or not to use the keynote program or comic life to display information about their rock. Students use Proscopes to help observe the rock more closely for minerals and colors.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is Approaching in Research and Information Fluency. Students respond to class assignments that prompt an analysis of information using digital Proscopes and websites. Appropriate digital tools and information sources must be used and information will be assembled to present to the class. Students must choose which site gives the most accurate information about their rock and then choose which program to use to display their information

This lesson is Approaching in Communication and Collaboration. Students form teams and use digital tools to facilitate collaboration.

This lesson is Ideal in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Students must justify decision-making and/or problem-solving practices to identify rocks.

This lesson is Approaching in Creativity and Innovation. Presentations required students to synthesize existing and self-generated knowledge of rock characteristics. Presentations created were beyond the assignment expectations.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Rock Resources
  • Student Artifacts
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