Have you ever searched on Google and felt overwhelmed by the amount of sites that you find? Have you ever felt like some are just not very noteworthy and you’d be better off going back to trade books? Well, I may have a trick to help you. I’m sure you have heard at one time or another that most sites that end it .org or .gov are usually pretty reliable sites. That’s because they are run by an organization or the government and not a .com agency trying to make money. Well, I just learned a way that you can search just .org and .gov sites. If you like Google as your search engine, which I do, just type in: http://www.google.com/ig/usgov before you begin. The Google screen will look exactly the same. However, once you begin searching, you should notice that the sites are narrowed down. Many are now .org or .gov depending on what you are searching. This should help you find better sites to use in class.
Try it some time! I hope you find this tip helpful! Let me know what you think!