A New Direction

This year I decided that I needed to be more deliberate in managing my digital resources in order to maximize my own learning. I had found that although I had stumbled across several blogs that provided content I considered intriguing, I just couldn’t keep up with them all. I then decided to use Google Reader to manage my subscriptions to become more effective with my own professional development, and it quickly became apparent that this was a great way to take control of my growth as an educator.

The blogs I follow provide insightful commentary on topics germane to educational technology, research-based instruction, educational reform, and the like. I find myself looking forward to reading updates from particular writers as they often challenge my views and encourage me to stretch myself professionally. I can easily get lost in the information they provide as I then am able to dig further using their resources as a starting point. This led me to the inevitable question – does my blog do the same for other people? And the answer is obvious – not a chance.

This year, I hope to change that. Yes, I want to continue to showcase student projects. Yes, I want to continue to give tips and tricks for using technology. But I hope to do more. I hope to stretch my own thinking by providing you with information to stretch yours. I hope to generate meaty discussion around heady topics. I hope that you are patient with me as I learn, but more importantly, I hope that we are learning together.

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