Today we had a 4-hour technology training for new 3rd grade teachers. My partner, Julie Franklin, and I titled our session “I’m a Thewy Third Thaumaturge.” If you don’t know what those words mean, use your computer’s dictionary to look them up (highlight the word and ctrl click on it to “Look Up in Dictionary”). Four hours is a long time, so we tried to pump it up with music, glow sticks, and a disco ball, but actually, the thing that made it most memorable was the earthquake! We shared all our ideas on this website if you’d like to see what we did. One tool that I would encourage you to check out is the photo sharing site we used called Yogile. It makes it very simple for people to upload pictures to one webpage. Once the photos are uploaded you can view it as a slideshow or gallery. Take a look at ours here. Another site that does something similar but turns the pictures into a book is Keepsy. We didn’t get to use that one, but you can still take a look at our sample here.
New Teacher Academy
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