One of the great things about teaching your students to use web tools is that they can use them at home… and many students are very motivated to do just that! I recently showed Mr. Stein’s class at Pinchbeck Elementary how to create websites using Weebly. Today, one of his students, Andrew, came to me proudly showing a website he had created on his own time for the school’s Book Bowl. I was really impressed with all the features he included: a poll, a blog with comments, an embedded slideshow and maps, a downloadable file, and more! Click here to take a look at it (be sure to leave a comment
[Update: He has continued working on it over the summer. I was showing it off at a teachers’ conference in Philadelphia and I noticed that he had added to it on his vacation… now that’s a motivated student!] If you’d like your students to learn how to create their own websites with Weebly, let me know. You can check out other student Weebly sites on this post.