Lately several teachers have asked me about Audacity, one of the ways we can record voice on our student and teacher laptops. It is an easy program to use, and with writing tests coming just around the corner, I have shown several teachers how to let the students hear their writing using this program. Don’t forget we have GarageBand, iMovie, and Keynote which can also record your voice, but Pixie has that capability as well. Yesterday’s post on calculating a running record is a great jumping off point for using audio. Have you ever thought about putting a short passage in Pixie, and recording your voice for the students to hear the fluency of the words? They can listen several times, just hit the trash can (to erase your voice) and then record their own voices reading the passage. As you listen, time the audio, plug it into the running record calculator and boom you have a reading score that you didn’t have to sit one on one with the kids to get. On Twitter today, I found this wonderful google presentation on using voice over in the classroom. Click on picture to see site.