Language Arts and Technology Integration Ideas!

Considering that one of the CSIPs focuses for all of my schools is to enhance their language arts and reading scores, I created a website that offeres language arts and technology integration ideas for my teachers.  After the teachers viewed the movie format of this site, I have received many requests from them to learn more about the ideas presented and for me to help them integrate the various forms of technology into their language arts instruction!  The ideas presented include Kidspiration (a graphic organizer that helps the students learn how to create subtopics to support their main ideas visually, and it offers a writing view where the students can add details and public their work to a word processor), Pages (for peer editing), Pixie (for writing, illustrating, and creating their own books as well as for using the multitude of ready made templates), Quia (for language arts SOL reinforcement and literacy promotion through the ready made activites), ReadWriteThink (an excellent online resource for language arts standards-based lesson plans, interactive student materials, and a literacy calendar), and Understand Scoring (a valuable resource that has replaced NCS Mentor where teachers can learn more about the Virginia SOL Direct Writing Assessments, learn the rubrics in scoring student writing, and can develop consistency in scoring actual student work).  Please click here to view the website!

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