Virginia Leaders Meet Pixie!

All of the fifth grade classes at Adams Elementary School learned some of the advanced features of Pixie while reviewing their knowledge of Virginia Leaders in social studies.  Using a folder of pictures I placed in their folders along with a Virginia Leaders Pixie template I created, the students imported pictures of George Washington, George Mason, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, resized them, added effects, and added shadows behind them.  They also created textboxes to type key facts about the leaders that they will use to compare and contrast in language arts!  They were allowed to change their font, size, color, and alignment of their text.  Check out samples of their work below.  The teachers will follow up by letting them finish the project very soon! I have also included downloadable links of the folder of pictures as well as the templates of 3 and 4 leaders below.

Picture 21 Picture 22

Picture 23 Picture 25

Click here to download a folder of Virginia Leaders pictures!

Click here to download the Pixie template for 3 Virginia Leaders!

Click here to download the Pixie template for 4 Virginia Leaders!


Below are some finished samples!

Picture 3 Picture 1

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