Donahoe October 22, 2009

Today, Mrs. Collins second graders completed their keynotes on the continents and oceans.  Students added transitions and builds to their slides to make them fancy.  Some of their presentations were out of this world!


Mrs. Dunham’s fourth graders graphed their information from their Go Temps in Numbers.  They used 3D bar graphs to compare their data.

512 Numbers 08Picture 1Picture 2

Ms. Ball’s kindergarten students were amazed at all the bugs they saw!  We visited the site to learn mouse control and exercise our finger control.  The students loved chasing after the naughtly ladybug.  They painted with butterflies and practiced dragging matching ladybugs to the correct numbers.  That was a lot of work for their little fingers.  You should try it.

Picture 3IMG_0390Picture 1

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